
November 6, 2018
Edged Board
November 6, 2018

Unedged Board

Необрезная доска выпиливается из целого бревна вдоль волокон. В результате с двух краев остается кора (обзол), а на поверхности – сучки, неровности или другие дефекты. Ширина краев неодинакова: один конец может быть шире другого. При всех видимых недостатках необрезная доска остается доступным, надежным и экологичным материалом.


Unedged or “fence” board is more often used as a blank for edged board. Do it for economic reasons. If the budget is limited, but there is an opportunity to remove the bark and trim the edges, then the material will be cheaper. When choosing blanks you need to consider:

  • lack of gouges and chips as a result of inaccurate cutting;
  • no cracks or knots that can split the board during further processing;
  • thickness, width, surface finish;
  • boards dry or natural moisture;
  • type of wood.

Untreated boards are indispensable as building materials: flooring, load-bearing elements, formwork, temporary partitions, fences. But today they are used for bold interior solutions. Tabletops, wall panels, shelves for books and partitions are made from natural curved boards. According to the trend of wood trim, the bathrooms are complemented.

Rustic furniture from raw wood becomes an unusual piece of refined interior. The chip is just a jagged edge and a heterogeneous structure of untreated wood. 
