Solvent 647 BP
October 2, 2018
Solvent 646
October 2, 2018

Solvent 650

Composition The
solvent is a mixture of volatile organic liquids: aromatic hydrocarbons, esters and alcohols. It belongs to the group of low-volatile and has a high dissolving ability in relation to nitrocellulose and nitroglyphthalic paints and varnishes. 

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Purpose (Solvent 650) The
solvent serves to bring paints to a working consistency, to dilute the enamels of the NTs-11 brand to working viscosity when painting small areas with a brush, reduces the risk of blistering and cracking of the film.

For receiving a paint and varnish composition of necessary viscosity add solvent in the small portions, carefully mixing. For cleaning surfaces use a cloth moistened with a solvent.

Specifications (Solvent 650)

No Name of the indicator value
one Color and appearance Colorless or slightly yellowish homogeneous transparent liquid without visible suspended particles
2 Mass fraction of water according to Fisher no more than 2.0%
3 Ethyl volatility 20-25
four acid number Not more than 0.1 mg / KOH / g 