
Antiseptic for wood “GUARD-2 (BS-13)”
September 3, 2018
Azure for wood (Dufatex Aqua Antiseptic)
September 3, 2018

Primer alkyd for wood “BASE”

Ingredients : Alkyd resin, modified with linseed oil esters, in a mixture of aliphatic hydrocarbons, biocides, special additives.

Purpose : For the primary processing of wooden and wood-like surfaces, before applying various paints and varnishes, inside and outside the room, can be used as an independent wood protective coating.

Properties : Deeply impregnates and reliably protects wood from insects, mold, blueness and decay. It evens up the absorption capacity of the surface, helps reduce consumption and uniform application of subsequent materials, improves adhesion (adhesion to the surface) and significantly extends the service life of both the complex coating and wood in general. It is easy to apply and grind, does not change the color and texture of the surface, creates a “breathable” coating. 

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Special features

Primer modified with linseed oil esters
Deeply impregnates and reliably protects wood from insects, mold, blueness and decay
Extends the service life of both the complex coating itself and wood in general.
Levels the absorbency of the surface.
Helps reduce consumption and uniform application of subsequent materials.
Significantly increases the adhesive strength of subsequent coatings with the base.
Easy to apply and sand.
Does not change color and surface texture
Creates a breathable coating.


Packing 0.8 l, 2.5 l
Colour Colorless
Application For exterior and interior
Application Method Brush, roller, paint sprayer, dipping or pouring method
Consumption per layer 80-200 ml / m² depending on the method of application, the type of wood and the quality of wood processing (sawn, planed, etc.)
Drying time at a temperature of 25 ° C and humidity of 60% On touch – 2 hours, grinding and applying the following coatings can be carried out after 18 hours
Film-forming Alkyd resin
Solvent Does not require dilution
Warranty period of storage 18 months from production date

Instructions for use

Surface preparation : The surface to be treated should be solid, dry and clean, free from dust, fat, biological and other contaminants.

Нанесение: Непосредственно перед применением грунтовку следует тщательно перемешать (средство готово к применению без добавления растворителя). Работы проводить при температуре от +5°C до +25°C и влажности не выше 80%. Наносить с помощью кисти, валика, краскораспылителя, методом погружения или налива. Сильно впитывающие поверхности обработать в 2-3 слоя без промежуточной сушки. Для получения гладкого комплексного покрытия, обработанную грунтовкой древесину, перед нанесением последующих материалов, зашлифовать мелкой наждачной бумагой и обеспылить. Инструмент промыть растворителем сразу после использования. Закрытую тару с остатками продукта утилизировать в организованных местах сбора бытовых отходов.

Storage conditions : Store and transport in sealed original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C, do not allow direct sunlight.

Security measures : Work should be carried out in a well-ventilated area, use rubber gloves to protect hands, respiratory organs – respirator, eye protective goggles, do not smoke while working!


